Yo dingleberry i actually like your difficulty thing There are some scales, one of which is the (the calculator that FFRmania uses, etc). It's definitely funny sometimes, but I am looking for something that lets me judge how difficult a song truly is. Here's something I've been working on for stepmania, made some decent progress on it, so I'll post what I've done:īasically, one thing that's annoyed me about stepmania is that the difficulties are arbitrary, see ya later stuff like 'Extratone Pirates - Diff: 69'. It can definitely take a very long time for alot of songs, and there isn't a progress bar at the moment - I used it on my full song directory (~1000 songs) and it took a long time (it's around 3-4 seconds per song perhaps, depending on how long the song is, so you could imagine for 1000 songs, (4 * 1000) / 60 = ~60 minutes minutes for 1000 songs). If you are going to use it, for now I would recommend just trying it on one pack at time. EDIT: the SML live parser is garbage apparentlly - However, this isn't meant to be a 'some amazing tool that every simfile editor should use to rate a song, it has a perfect algorithm that accurately determines difficulty', more of a 'I have a bunch of old packs where the difficulties don't really make sense, this can approximately fix them'